(no subject)

Mick Taranto fachmoir at freedminds.com
Tue Sep 23 17:38:19 EDT 2003

: > > As far as safety goes, if you are within city limits (or anywhere near
a busline) there's never a guarantee on >whether you won't get mugged, beat
up, pestered or shot. Sure, there are neighborhoods to avoid at all costs
: > >(Wilkensburg, Homewood, Polish Hill) and there are some that probably
won't cause you many problems
: > >(South Side, Squirrel Hill, The Waterfront).
: >
: > I was mugged in Squirrel Hill. There goes your theory.

: Mick, I hate to tell you this but your contention that this city is not
: safe plays off a bit like a tired end times prophesizing televangelist's
: claims that we're all doomed by using some isolated incidents and
: playing to people's emotions to back up your claims.

But its fun and gets people like you to go all in a hissy about a something
so silly.

: When you check out the facts, you may be a bit relieved. Cnn.com reports
Pittsburgh as the 15th safest city in
: America.

Oh right - and we all *know* CNN is the end-all be-all of the truth and
always right on with numbers....

: Much better than the two cities you
: mentioned before as being more desirable (Chicago is five spots down on
: the list of safest cities, while Baltimore is the 8th most Dangerous
: city in America with a crime rate of nearly 2 times that of Pittsburgh).
: You are never 100% safe in a city, unless you're in some city with an
: overbearing police force (think Singapore); but Pittsburgh is pretty
: safe as far as the numbers and demographics of the violence is concerned.

as for "never 100% safe" that was my point. thanks for going off on it.
Singapore? have you been there?  if not don't talk about it like you know

: You are entitled to your opinion, however entitlement and validity are
: both to be considered and I don't think you have much of that backing
: your opinion up.

heh. again. maybe this will make life easier for ya.
I present for your enjoyment the meaning of the word opinion

Opinion : A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated
by positive knowledge or proof

in other words -- i don't need to have anything to back up **MY** opinion.

: Sure people may have  a sense that their city isn't
: the greatest to live in, but it isn't so horrible that you should throw
: a conniption whenever somebody says that they enjoy their time here and
: try to figure out what's wrong with them / where they came from.

another definition - Conniption: A fit of violent emotion, such as anger or

none of my post was in a context  that could be recieved or contrued as a
if you took it as such - all i can say is wow...

: Though you were right that I came from a smaller city around here, who
: didn't? A majority of the population of Pittsburgh has come from the
: surrounding suburbs and satellite cities. That's like saying "i bet this
: fish came from fresh water." No city can have a pool of talent only via
: subsistence employment.  And as true as that assumption about me was, I
: am not all doe eyed over the experience.

umm, i was talking about you and only you. not the entire citizenry of
who cares about the others. i was talking to you or rather replying to you.

something worth noting:  I did not come from a smaller city around here.
so umm kinda generalizing  aren't you? which you seem to be trying to say i
am doing.
pot - kettle yada yada....

: Pittsburgh is basically what a city should be.

: It provides work, transportation, dining and
: entertainment infrastructure in a concentrated area for a high price.
: Any expectations or demands other than that are of your own delusion.

: Human society is structured around a 9-5 work day right now,

Wrong.  American society is - not human.
not going anywhere else with that one.

: locations up & jumping at 2 in the morning is an outlier, not something
: to be expected.

it is not an outlier at all.  how is it? in what we are comparing (larger
cities) it is a norm.
so yes, in a larger city or one the with the populus of Pittsburgh it is
something to be expected.
fyi: not everyone works 9-5 or m-f  either.

: I work 4-midnight, so I empathise with your desire to
: have things jumping at that time, however that isnt' how life and
: business works.

i work to live not live to work. i realise the difference.
life and business are not synonymous. they do not work the same way.
you either need a new job or new life as I see it if you think that is true.

: If you value culture and entertainment, perhaps you
: should change your sleep schedule to get with the rest of people when
: they're actually awake and providing such things.

man j00 so funny.
glad to see you even have a remote clue of what you are talking about in
regards to me.
my sleep schedule is ok. it allows me anything i wish. kthnxbye

<snip the hick shit>
what has any of this to do with what i said?
oh riiigghht - nothing.

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