shopping/delien shows

Ancilla Sea-Maid ancilla6 at
Sat Apr 24 12:17:12 EDT 2004

I'm hoping someone can provide more info about either
of these shows....such as seeing a band in the past
and really admiring their live show.

I'm trying to decide between these two line-ups. I've
never seen any of these bands live before, so I'm not
sure what to expect. I only really have time to stay
at one venue tonight, as I'm still sort of in
finals-crunch-time, but I do need a little break...

a.) Shopping w/ Harangue, Pike, and Ice Capades 

b.) Delien, Di_sect, Cult of Divine Audio

>From what little info I've found so far, each one
looks like a decent show, and I'll probably have a
good time either way. But if someone is totally
passionate about either line-up, please let me know :D

- Tamara

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