Clear Channel (was Re: rock club question)

Brian J. Parker beep at
Thu Dec 2 11:41:29 EST 2004

On Thu, 2 Dec 2004, Mick wrote:

> Howard Stern was pulled for more than Bush bashing. The fines he
> amassed CC and loss of sponsors was the number one reason. Yes, they
> are a right-wing company, but

Well, you just acknowledged that CC is a "right-wing company," which was
pretty much my point.  Stern's cancellation was just one piece of a huge
pile of anecdotal evidence.

By happy timing, listening to Air America while I write this, they're
talking about how Clear Channel is putting up billboards with George
Bush's picture on it and the text "Our Leader."  Easy to turn up multiple
stories on this via the magic of Google.  Pretty blatant.

> What is Manny's vested interest here? They do not compete with him.
> They do not stop his shows. They do not limit what shows he does.

I think they compete with him.  Not only is there a limited share of
entertainment dollars (a few of which might go to some of his shows
instead of, say, KMFDM or Ministry), there's a mindshare battle.  Clear
Channel's domination makes it harder for bands without major financial
backing to promote themselves, reducing the number of people who will go
to indie shows (since most people won't go see artists they aren't already
familiar with, much to Manny's chagrin).

Less tangibly, I feel they contribute to an atmosphere in which music is a
soulless commodity produced by expensive studio wizardry, rather than an
organic artform best practiced live.

Not that Manny's interests particularly concern me, but I support his
endeavours much as I support live theater, fine arts, museums, independant
cinema, poetry readings, etc.  Even if I don't directly partake, they
increase the vibrancy of the city.

Brian (long-winded)

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