hey! it's the BRIDES!

manny at telerama.com manny at telerama.com
Thu Jul 29 11:17:05 EDT 2004

other than the fact that the show is at SHADOW LOUNGE (not garfield
artworks), that's pretty much the gist of it. Also they are on
Hell's Hundred Records, the new deathrock offshoot of
Middle Pillar, a label and distro cool enough to carry tons of
dark styles of music that never get played at club nights such as

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, Pauline Law wrote:

> cross-posted to various places:
> alright, so manny's plugged them a couple of times, but i just feel that 
> he hasn't stressed it enough:
> and they are, indeed, coming to garfield artworks on penn avenue on 
> sunday, august 1, which is a school night, but essentially this is the one 
> show left in the summer that pittsburgh goths shouldn't miss. screw the 
> rapture, man; the world'll be full of snotty "indie" kids anyway. plus 
> it'll be cheaper.
> the brides, for the sadly uninformed, are the funny and awesome 
> alternative to all those other so-called "goth" bands that are 
> indistinguishable from techno. even if you're not into the deathrock thing 
> (and apparently few in pgh are), you will still like the brides. because, 
> unlike most other "goth" "bands" (aka white men on computers, no offense 
> to TFS), they are actually spooky! ha! also, they have instruments, which 
> they can play deathrocky goth-punkish songs on extremely well.
> and um... basically they will rock the party out (this is a new phrase i 
> invented myself), and you will have so much fun, and i will be SOOO 
> JEALOUS because i can't make this show unless some decides to meet me in 
> new york to shuttle me to pgh.
> plus they played convergence this year so you know they have this thing 
> called 'goth cred'.
> plus that julia ghoulia is awfully attractive. if i may say so myself.
> they have songs about eating babies and other fun stuff at: 
> http://www.thebrides.net/
> and mick mercer wrote a review on their latest release at: 
> http://www.livejournal.com/users/mickmercer/228193.html
> pauline
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