hey! it's the BRIDES! at the SHADOW LOUNGE

Pauline Law plaw at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Jul 29 23:56:21 EDT 2004

i blame travel-related fatigue, and the fact that i've spent 36 of the 
last 48 hours IN TRANSIT.



On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 manny at telerama.com wrote:

> other than the fact that the show is at SHADOW LOUNGE (not garfield
> artworks), that's pretty much the gist of it. Also they are on
> Hell's Hundred Records, the new deathrock offshoot of
> Middle Pillar, a label and distro cool enough to carry tons of
> dark styles of music that never get played at club nights such as
> Ceremony.
> On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, Pauline Law wrote:
>> cross-posted to various places:
>> alright, so manny's plugged them a couple of times, but i just feel that
>> he hasn't stressed it enough:
>> and they are, indeed, coming to garfield artworks on penn avenue on
>> sunday, august 1, which is a school night, but essentially this is the one
>> show left in the summer that pittsburgh goths shouldn't miss. screw the
>> rapture, man; the world'll be full of snotty "indie" kids anyway. plus
>> it'll be cheaper.
>> the brides, for the sadly uninformed, are the funny and awesome
>> alternative to all those other so-called "goth" bands that are
>> indistinguishable from techno. even if you're not into the deathrock thing
>> (and apparently few in pgh are), you will still like the brides. because,
>> unlike most other "goth" "bands" (aka white men on computers, no offense
>> to TFS), they are actually spooky! ha! also, they have instruments, which
>> they can play deathrocky goth-punkish songs on extremely well.
>> and um... basically they will rock the party out (this is a new phrase i
>> invented myself), and you will have so much fun, and i will be SOOO
>> JEALOUS because i can't make this show unless some decides to meet me in
>> new york to shuttle me to pgh.
>> plus they played convergence this year so you know they have this thing
>> called 'goth cred'.
>> plus that julia ghoulia is awfully attractive. if i may say so myself.
>> they have songs about eating babies and other fun stuff at:
>> http://www.thebrides.net/
>> and mick mercer wrote a review on their latest release at:
>> http://www.livejournal.com/users/mickmercer/228193.html
>> pauline
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