Electro/Retro guest DJ party

Adam Rixey akr at telerama.com
Thu May 20 15:31:31 EDT 2004

On Thu, 20 May 2004 manny at telerama.com wrote:
> why is there a *$5* cover on an over-21 DJ night?
> there are a lot of DJ nights in Pittsburgh where the cover is $3 or less
> (Fuze @ BBT) or even free.
> even at that Chemistry night on Thursdays where they have national DJs
> almost every week the cover is still only $5
> the DJs at Electro/Retro are not of that importance
> so what gives?

You'd probably have to ask Ron, not us common folk.  And I've long given
up trying to figure out his business sense, but my guess is that it's to
offset the $1 drinks from 10-midnight.  (And if you drink, that actually
makes the night more affordable than Ceremony -- and no cage!)

akr at telerama.com

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