ISC (was Re: Tonight at Ceremony)

Brian J. Parker beep at
Mon Sep 27 11:33:22 EDT 2004

On Mon, 27 Sep 2004, Nick Jae wrote:

> Hah you're even worse for saying "dorque."

I only moved from saying "that was so fresh" to "bomb diggity" a few weeks
ago.  Still trying to get used to "off the hook."  There is no hope.

ObG/I (and kickstarting a conversation):

So I really liked the In Strict Confidence album _Holy_, which is a
well-produced example of everything post-industrial can be.  There are
guitars, there's interesting programming, there are growly vocals, there
are pretty songs with pretty vocals, there is gorgeous and gratuitously
offensive album art.  The only thing missing is a stupid dance single, but
that's fine.

Anyway, I just stumbled across _holy [the hecq destruxxion]_, which is
basically Hecq remixing the entire album, every track, start to finish.
It's starkly beautiful, de-emphasizing the rock and removing some of the
prettiness in favor of noise and gloomy trip-hop elements.  I can't
remember the last time I was so into an album that didn't include stupid
dance music.


I'm also enjoying:

* the Apoptygma Berzerk Harmonizer/Unicorn DVD/single, in which Stephen
Groth (further) embraces his cheeseball rockstar personae;

* the Firewerk album _Circuits and Curses_, which is everything "X music"
wishes it were ("Crisis" on heavy rotation for the dancefloor in my head);

* Accessory's harsh EBM remix of The Beastie Boys' "No Sleep Till
Brooklyn."  (

I share 'cos I care.


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