TERROR FIRMA SKY terror_firma_sky at
Sun Oct 9 11:25:37 EDT 2005

The problem was not about getting bands. The problem was that the
venue is no longer equipped for live music as in no stage, no pa
system, no soundman, and no dressing room. I know all this is easily
obtained, but added onto the garantee most bands want this would of
raised the cover charge cosiderably. Unfortunately some of us on the
Nightshift have rencently suffered some unexpected finacial
hardships as well, not that any us are that well off anyway. Plus
there's this subtle unspoken "vibe" you get from the management of
the Upstage that makes you feel thier really not too keen on the
idea of bands playing there. I don't know whether its because they
think its a hassle, because of some bad past experiences, or because
of the apartments upstairs now. 

It came down to a decision between doing a half ass show with some
local acts who we couldn't be ceretain anyone would want to see and
still having to pay for a stage, soundman, and additional sound
equipment regardless, and doing something like this where you can
see some very lovely ladies modeling some hot fashions and we can
still afford to provide you the candy, prizes, and atmosphere you've
come to expect.

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