Voices of Masada, et.al

Megan Irvine mirv01 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 20 09:53:08 EDT 2005

I guess I'm one of those rare people who will spend $5 on a show of
bands that I've never seen or heard of before, on a weeknight even.
However, I am picky about the shows I come out for. What gets me out of
the house usually is a detailed description of the bands or at least a
pointer to their Web site, which might even have sound samples. Manny
is usually very good at including this information in announcements for
shows. Also, he's good at "if you like this band, you will like this
other band, too..." 

To get the college crowd, you would need to promote more heavily in
that area and it would be quite an effort. They are isolated from "the
scene" here. They have their own scene. Only the most adventurous kids
are going to seek out the shows at Garfield Artworks and such. 


Megan Irvine aka mirv, aka Mavi, aka DarkThreads 
My journal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/mirvana
My dance page: http://www.livejournal.com/users/mirvdance
"Sing 'Happy Happy Joy Joy'. Repeat until death sets you free." -Anon

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