Goth Doctors?

Chris Rapier rapier1 at
Tue Mar 21 23:50:05 EST 2006

On 3/21/06, Pauline Law <electronvolt at> wrote:
> On 3/21/06, Chris Rapier <rapier1 at> wrote:
> > On 3/21/06, Pauline Law <plaw at> wrote:
> > > they might actually
> > > be poly together for all i know. ;)
> >
> > suddenly she seems so much less attractive to me
> hahaha.  the 'typical' polyamorous person in boston *is* really really
> unattractive. it's a FACT, so it's a wonder so many of them are
> getting laid so often... ;D

Oh thats easy, when you don't have any standards its easy to get laid.
Now imagine a room filled with people who have no standards and have
spent *years* surrounded by people who actually do have standards. If
you get enough of these people together you'll get a critical mass of
standards free horniness. There is sort of this weird implosion of
nastiness that sucks even more people over the Icky Event Horizon.

Then Diaper Man shows up.

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