non-goth event: first dorkbot pittsburgh

j eric townsend jet at
Thu Mar 23 09:13:44 EST 2006

If I may interrupt all the on-topic discussion to hype a project I'm working with:

Tonight, 7pm at brillobox: the first meeting of dorkbot pittsburgh!

Scheduled speakers:

Peter Coppin, "Enabling public planetary exploration: using telepresence art as a laboratory for human experience".  bio:

Nathan Martin, projects include MapHub ( and Carbon Defense League (

Full details on dorkbot pittsburgh:
jet / KG6ZVQ
jet at
pgp:   0xD0D8C2E8  AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5  F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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