hey, 18+ and the world didn't end!

j eric townsend jet at flatline.net
Mon Sep 11 19:22:15 EDT 2006

At 8:38 AM -0400 9/11/06, Brian J. Parker wrote:
>I probably have to rejigger my DJing again, though.  I tried to play
>pretty much every request I could when we were 21+, but the under-21's
>make a lot more requests, and I noticed that people didn't dance to a
>lot of requests.  So I'll have to use better judgement and concentrate
>on flow more.

dorky metrics powers activate!
(Ok, so I was in radio long enough to care about what people like vs. what I wanted to play vs. what got requested.  "No, I will NOT play 'Coat of Many Colors', I played it last weekend.")

Do you ever make notes on the playlist about how many people were dancing, or if the type of crowd on the floor changed when one song ended and another began?

Something like:

song A:  ~20 18+ dancing
song B:  ~5 30~ dancing
song C: ~10 18-30 dancing

and so on.

jet / KG6ZVQ
pgp:   0xD0D8C2E8  AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5  F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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