online updates

gwen gwenix at
Thu Jan 24 15:35:56 EST 2008 keeps going down because it's still hosted at Telerama, which is
sporadic at best.

It's not been updated, because no one is updating it.

I am still trying to consider ways I can fix the problems, but I am limited
by a few problems:

1) Money.  I am not getting income from this project, nor do I want to.  But
because it's a free site, I need to do things that keep the costs down for
running it.  Many of these things really limit what I can do to get the
pages back up and running again.

2) Time.  I have almost no spare time anymore, and this is a project that
needs a lot of spare time.  I could throw more money at it to make it all
work again, but, uhm, we're back to the first problem.

3) I could host the site at my school, but I'd need to do a few things to
make that feasible.  One would be to change the domain to
pghgoth.orgbecause of stupid policies here (I might find a cheap
account somewhere to
make forward to the .org).  Another is that I need hardware to
set up as the website in my office, which returns me back to point #1,
money.  And further, I'd need time to revamp the site, problem #2.

So yah, it's all in the air right now, and I just haven't had the free
cycles to work on this.


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