new Ceremony website + coat check

dutin mullet at
Wed Oct 8 16:32:48 EDT 2003

On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Ancilla Sea-Maid wrote:

> well hon, don't worry because that feature will come
> back. someone is choosing the right provider for the
> index/search services and will set it up. i could even
> let you know when it's up and running once again.

umm.... provider?  why don't you just use htdig on the local machine to 
provide for a onsite search feature that doesn't make it leave the site?  
or just make a mysql dbase with the playlists and just use a query to 

it's not like the site is hosted on some crappy hosting company's machine.


"Well, there's a dull ache certainly.  And overlaid on that is a club
sandwich of pain only instead of bacon there's agony.  Marge can I have
a BLT?"
	-Homer Simpson

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