New to the list... (yes, newbie central)

Pauline Law plaw at
Tue Oct 14 14:51:36 EDT 2003

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Rebekah wrote:

> Recently moved to the area after a few years in Boston (frequent
> attendee of ManRay, if any of you know it...) and I'm looking to get
> into the "gothic culture" of PGH.  After being here a month or so I've
> yet to discover anyone able to introduce my to the local venues.  Can
> you (a general "you") help me find the place(s) to go?  Any help for
> this misplaced, 23 year old goth would be much welcomed...

yay, is this another excuse to wank about boston?

i'm from boston too.  i'm still on netgoth.  who were you friends with?
i'm the thirteen -- no wait -- sixteen year old, but you may not have
heard of me because i stopped being social a couple of years ago...

i believe Ray posted the pertinent links.

don't miss the killing joke show; it's on the 29th at laga,


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