Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt > Seattle ...um, no.

manny at telerama.com manny at telerama.com
Wed Oct 22 18:19:13 EDT 2003

> this is a list of best places to see all ages shows in seattle (2003)
> http://seattle.citysearch.com/best/results/8564/
> and it doesn't even list the catwalk.  kmfdm just kicked
> off their tour at the catwalk with an all ages show.  (however, i'm
> gonna wait 'til they come back home at the end of the tour and do a
> +21 show.)

someone from seattle two days ago told me that ban was still in effect.
perhaps they were pulling my chain? i just don't keep track of those
things, i took their word at face value.
among other things, i didn't know kmfdm were seattle residents either.
coastal disconnect.

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