80's night playlist? (not a Lou-zer)

manny at telerama.com manny at telerama.com
Wed Jan 14 15:24:20 EST 2004

> Well, I was mostly at The Chamber or the Belfry in
> Atlanta.  I helped out at Masquerade as well, but I
> don't recall the venue's name.  I have to admit I've
> never even heard of Eyedrum.  I've actually been here
> for a couple of years now, so I do have a pretty good
> idea what's going on up here.
> I was more praising the night than downplaying any
> others.  In fairness, hey if you know something I
> don't I've got nothing against enlightenment.

Eyedrum is not a 'night'.
It is a performance space - the best organized, longest-lasting
venue for avant-garde and independent performance that Atlanta has ever
had. Comparable to, say, Solar Culture in Tucson, Flywheel in Easthampton
MA, or whatever the fuck space I'm running at the time (oh yeah, The Eye).
I think Eyedrum's been around for at least five years.

In 2002 I was very impressed with how the Circuits of Steel show
went there - with 50 people it was our 2nd biggest show of the 23 date
tour - and there *were* goths in the audience (you know, the same fringe
types up here with the Ant-Zen shirts, except *more* of them and willing
to *buy music*). One of our show organizers was a raven-tressed goth from
South Africa named Victoria, who works at Wax 'n Fax and wore a VNV Nation
shirt, yet when we got home to crash at her house I saw that she had the
*biggest* LP collection of any female I had ever seen (including pretty
much every And Also The Trees, Coil and Death in June record ever).
And every electroclash CD compilation in print at the time.
Unfortunately, she was already married ;) Ah well, Atlanta memories.

Eyedrum can be marveled at eyedrum.org, I think. Not that anyone here will
care, per se.

The only other time I was in Atlanta was with Vampire Nation to play some
goth night, I think it was on a Tuesday or something. I can't remember the
name of the place but it was located right next to a high water tower that
was painted Olympic colors. Except for my leaving a floor tom behind
(which I sent the goth promoter $30 for to ship back but he just kept th
money and never mailed me the drum) that actually went semi-decent too.
Can't say much bad about Atlanta.
I'm still guessing you probably don't know what's going on around here,
but then you don't need to know much if you're just looking for G/I nights
because there is only one.

As for Lou - with the huge number of people that come to 80s nights, he
could definitely afford to be more adventurous. So what if he clears
the floor a couple times a night, they'll come back to the floor. And
what if he stole all of Action's thunder by playing a few choice modern
cuts like The Rapture or Fischerspooner. I bet the floor would stay
packed! I think the truth is either he doesn't know about stuff or doesn't
care enough to go any deeper, as long as he gets paid. When Fred and I
were doing the Damnation goth nights at the Upstage (previous to Ceremony)
and a couple of them went well, Lou got antsy and edged us out with the
then-management (still Bill Matscherz, from the old 1990-91 days).
I think Lou goes for self.


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