drop dead festival two

Pauline Law plaw at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Jul 26 11:31:40 EDT 2004

maybe i'll have better luck this year...

drop dead festival two is happening from september 3 through september 5! 
um.. this year it is bigger than last year, with 3 nights of bands such as 
cinema strange (exclusive performance), the brides!!, ausgang, bella 
morte, cult of the psychic fetus, etc., etc., etc. (and we musn't forget 
cute-boy-in-mohawk-fronted malice in leatherland! although i think he 
might have shaved it off for his mom.)

anyway, i need a ride to new york on that friday and one back on monday, 
and was wondering if any of you cared to go or were simply planning to 
drive to nyc, with requisite driving-expenses splitting.  it's labor day 

oh, and the website is http://www.dropdead.com


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