drop dead festival two

Ancilla Sea-Maid ancilla6 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 26 11:44:39 EDT 2004

Neat. They also have the Crimson Ghosts performing!
(http://www.crimson-ghosts.de). Zombo at wrct
introduced me to their surf-rock covers of the Misfits

Not really related: Who's going to see Girl Talk/Cex
tonight? (!!!)

- T

--- Pauline Law <plaw at andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:
> maybe i'll have better luck this year...
> drop dead festival two is happening from september 3
> through september 5! 
> um.. this year it is bigger than last year, with 3
> nights of bands such as 
> cinema strange (exclusive performance), the
> brides!!, ausgang, bella 
> morte, cult of the psychic fetus, etc., etc., etc.
> (and we musn't forget 
> cute-boy-in-mohawk-fronted malice in leatherland!
> although i think he 
> might have shaved it off for his mom.)
> anyway, i need a ride to new york on that friday and
> one back on monday, 
> and was wondering if any of you cared to go or were
> simply planning to 
> drive to nyc, with requisite driving-expenses
> splitting.  it's labor day 
> weekend.
> oh, and the website is http://www.dropdead.com
> pauline
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