Tuesday @The Upstage: SPAZ!

Megan Irvine mirv01 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 17:13:45 EDT 2005

Spaz will be DJing at the Upstage, starting next Tuesday. He is one of
the most bizarre/entertaining DJs that I know and plays a mix of 80s,
punk, alternative and very weird, unexpected stuff. Please come out
next week and support his opening night.


Megan Irvine aka mirv, aka Mavi, aka DarkThreads 
My journal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/mirvana
My dance page: http://www.livejournal.com/users/mirvdance
"Sing 'Happy Happy Joy Joy'. Repeat until death sets you free." -Anon

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