Daddy Ferret

Matt Condon arcane93 at
Sat Apr 15 13:13:31 EDT 2006

Sc'Eric (aka darkFIN) wrote:
> Still, I can't bring myself to even think about  supporting a venue that bans ball-point pens and sharpies (yes those  were on the list, too).

Don't ever come to Nation in DC then.  Not only will they not let you 
bring in pens/pencils/markers/etc. (you might stab someone with one!), 
they've also don't allow items such as gum/breath mints (might be hiding 
drugs in them!) or tissues (might, um, paper cut someone?).  I've gotten 
very good at smuggling tissues in during allergy season, though.  I'm 
such a rebel!

It's an unfortunate side-effect of having to share a club with other 
scenes, really.  Most of Nation's restrictions are in place because of 
the rave nights they hold on other nights of the week (the staff there 
loves us, because we cause so much less trouble than the ravers . . . ).


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