Thanks for Rocking!

manny at manny at
Fri Jun 2 14:46:03 EDT 2006

Chris, you forgot to add the part where Manny throws around racial
> slurs. Earlier in this thread, Manny called the people who run The
> Sphynx Cafe "some swarthy Middle Easterners looking for a quick buck."
> Scroll back. It's right there for anybody to see.

Whatever. If it had been a Jew trying to extort from Joe, I would have said
"some fucking Jewbag looking for a quick buck." Who cares. Semites can't be
anti-Semites anyway.

> >From Princeton's online dictionary:
> swarthy: dark-skinned: naturally having skin of a dark color; "a
> dark-skinned beauty"; "gold earrings gleamed against her dusky
> cheeks"; "a smile on his swarthy face"; "`swart' is archaic"
> P.S. I think swarthy girls are pretty.

of course they are. that has nothing to do with it. it was simply an emphatic
pejorative meant to compound the extortive nature of their demand.

'swart' may be archaic, but the German word "Schwartz" is fully in use and
simply means 'black'. A word I'm sure many goths are familiar with.

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