
Ancilla Sea-Maid ancilla6 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 23 14:27:28 EDT 2006

hm........the remarks did not read, to me, as
obviously sarcastic. it looks like you were genuinely
suggesting DJ-ing from 2 ipods. 

but then again, I'm pretty sure that you're the guy
who told Brian and I to quit mixing the songs so much
and just let one song end before we put the other one
on, so those remarks have likely coloured my reading
of the supposedly "sarcastic" remarks. 

- t

--- j eric townsend <jet at flatline.net> wrote:

> At 12:06 PM -0400 6/23/06, Jeremy David wrote:
> >On 6/23/06, j eric townsend <jet at flatline.net>
> wrote:
> >> Given the amazingly fantastic sound systems in
> clubs I suspect you could get away with an iPod and
> 192 bit MP3s.  I've been to a couple of shows where
> the DJ had two iPods and a mixer, you wouldn't have
> known if you hadn't gone and peeked in the booth.
> >
> >Most people tell me I'm full of it, but I can tell
> the difference
> >between a 192bit mp3 and CD-quality audio. A
> fantastic sound system
> >can't magically make data that isn't in the source
> media come back
> One demerit point for responding seriously to a
> sarcastic remark.
> -- 
> jet / KG6ZVQ
> http://www.flatline.net
> pgp:   0xD0D8C2E8  AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5  F799
> A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8
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