quittin' smoking

Adam Rixey arixey at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 13:40:02 EST 2006

Now personally, I hate smoking and have certainly in the past decided
to not go to some bar or club night (gasp, horrible loss!) because of
the smoke.  But I also don't see why you all[1] are making this into
such a huge black-or-white issue, as if a location can either be a
hazy, smoke-filled den of iniquity or a pristine fresh-air beacon of
purity.  There are certainly in-betweens.  Allow smoking but have a
good ventilation system.  Another possibility is to have different
sections; for example, the Birchmere in Alexandria allows smoking in
the main bar area of the venue, but the center stage/dance floor
area[2] is a no cigarettes zone, and their approach works well.  It's
possibly to accomodate everybody with just a bit of effort.  Nobody
needs to be excluded.

Except for people with peanut allergies.

Adam Rixey
arixey at gmail.com

[1] That's a general "you all", not anyone specifically.
[2] Which is right next to the bar, so it's not like either group is
segregated out back.

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