swill + smoking (rehashed--sorry)

Sc'Eric (dj.darkFIN) darkfin6012 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 9 04:52:43 EST 2006

Chris, I have to say that politically, I used to sit the fence on this stuff--and you can view the archives for the 5 week-long argument last year.  But if you could conceivably contain smoke in an area absolutely, I would be all for it.  But smoke doesn't stay put and it's effects on people--whether allergic/asthmatic like me, or just your normal joe--is undeniable.   And there's no reason why everyone should have to put up with being physically assaulted by someone else's addiction.  Make smoking only available in licensed tobacco sales centers and then folks know where to avoid to stay healthy.  Now, you can't even walk down the sidewalk and breathe. 

More pragmatically though, my actual experience with discussing smoke-free clubnight options with owners/managers of smoking-venues has not been promising.  They all worry about revenue and won't make the move until the other guy does.  Generally, it's the inadequately small venues who'll go out on that limb, not the ones large enough to actually hold an event... in discussions I've had with venue managers/owners, at least.

As for swill being "what most people want"....  Sure, MOST folks will drink crap when they go out, if all that's available is crap.  Plus, most folks don't get exposure to (ie EDUCATION about) anything other because they've been given no clue that it even exists.  But the same general tenet holds true with high-end items:  have only high-end, and they'll drink high-end.  (I know, because I've seen it work--plus, in that case, it helped keep some of the undesireable, "uncultured" elements out of that establishment.)  But have a WELL-ROUNDED selection of stuff, and--*gasp!*--ALL folks can choose what they want at any given time.  (Imagine that!)  

It kinda goes along with the notion that if you set higher standards, folks will usually rise the occasion.  Those who don't: fuck 'em.   There's just too much catering to the lowest common denominator.  And it's not just about quality, it's also about having options.  (If you don't want options, move to China, where [to use a metaphor] breweries make "beer"--one kind, that's it.  lol)

You know there's something to what I'm saying, Rapier, or you'd be perfectly happy listening to mainstream pop-radio all the time.


pgh-goth-list-request at listless.org wrote:From: "Chris Rapier" 
Subject: Re: re: Beer Mosques

Don't let that stop you from opening a place or starting a smoke free
night. Simply because the state, city, or county is not smoke free
doesn't mean you have to let people smoke. So show people the economic benefit have a smoke free establishment and we won't need these fucking laws.

> and I'll win the lottery and open a dark.alt nightclub with less of that swill most clubs insist on carrying.

The only problem being that the swill is what most people want.

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