Ceremony / guest DJ Nurse Allison

Pauline Law plaw at andrew.cmu.edu
Sun Apr 11 15:01:33 EDT 2004

On Sun, 11 Apr 2004 manny at telerama.com wrote:

> If she was able to 'beatmix' Venetian Snares, Synapscape, and Kitbuilders
> (the best stuff off of her latest playlist)
> and do that while wearing a nurse uniform, I'd be there.

dood. manny, be careful what you say. that's dangerous.  allison in a
nurse uniform = large-scale implosion of cuteness, and allison beatmixing
venetian snares, synapscape & kitbuilders = explosion of awesomeness.

seriously, did anyone go? how was she last night? i wanted to show up for
moral support, but... i'm sure she did fine.


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