11/06/2006- Shadow Lounge Vequinox, Narse, & STO!!

CHAD or Lisa vequinoxmusic at msn.com
Mon Nov 6 00:40:31 EST 2006

11/06/2006 08:00 PM - Shadow Lounge
5972 Baum Blvd.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206
Cost: $3
Description: November, 6 2006 at Shadow Lounge {Project Gamma Storm} w/ 
Narse & STO  The area where traditional melodies colide with the future 
technology. Playing with STO & Narse. Synth-Pop, New Wave, World Gypsy music 
for the ears!! all ages - free refreshments!!
As per Shadow Lounge:
Port Authority (www.ridegold.com) <---- check the schedules online! Via 
UPitt/CMU :: Outbound to Highland Ave & Baum Blvd 500, 74B Via UPitt/CMU :: 
Outbound to Highland Ave & Centre Ave (Penn Circle S) 71C* via Downtown :: 
Outbound to East Liberty Station EBA or EBS** * The 71C makes a right at 
Highland & Centre, so when you get off, just walk up one more block to Baum 
Blvd. and make a left. ** when you get off the EBA/EBS you want to take the 
pedestrian walkway towards Houston St. Now there isn't a street named 
Houston, but for whatever reason it saids Houston instead of Highland. 
You'll pop out in a parking lot. Make a left and cross through the lot 
towards S. Highland. Make a right and walk to the next block past Penn 
Circle S. to Baum Blvd. Make a Left. Your There! Lounge Hotline (412) 


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